Information and the Future

This is the blog of the Information and the Future task force of the Rolfing Library at Trinity International University. The IF task force exists to explore the role of libraries in the future of Christian higher education.

Thursday, October 09, 2008

Cha Cha

I just read about a new service called ChaCha. You can send it a question by text message to a network of people and get an answer. Their website ( says it uses technology to send the question to the most knowledgeable person on that subject. People can volunteer to be a "guide" on the website, after passing a series of tests.

The article was discussing it in the context of students cheating on tests using their cell phones. But I thought it was also interesting as a librarian who answers questions!


  • At 8:47 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I also came across an article that mentioned using ChaCha. It described using technology in the classroom as a tool to connect with students on their own turf, much like librarians are doing with similar services to ChaCha. Pretty interesting!


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