Information and the Future

This is the blog of the Information and the Future task force of the Rolfing Library at Trinity International University. The IF task force exists to explore the role of libraries in the future of Christian higher education.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Minutes from 7/28 Meeting

I. Introducing the IF Task Force

Primary expectations

b. Discussion
Secondary expectations

a.Engage Others on Campus
b.Raise profile of TIU librarians
c.Reflect critically as Christians on “information science”


a.Theory and practice
b.Diverse community of patrons
c.Public and Technical Service perspectives
d.Discerning between fads and lasting changes
How will we do this?

a.Reading – amount will be determined by the type of material but up to 200 pages a month.
b.Assignments to research and report back on specific topics
c.Host discussions with people outside of our library
d.Participate in the blog

IF Blog

2.Ground rules
3.Assignment – post an interaction with Friedman

Meeting time handout

Important developments regarding the future of Rolfing

Millennials - A new generation of students with high ideals, who are tech. savvy, have a strong desire for community, and who are suspicious of disingenuous attempts to market to them

The library as a center of community with expanded hours, food, and coffee

The use of online classroom management software such as Blackboard and Moodle

A new TIU web site with individualized web portals.

Encourage students to sign up for RSS feeds, and provide lists of good feeds

Classes can create wikkis on relevant topics for their class

An increasingly diverse population and growing awareness of global Christianity

Treating information as a commodity

Helpful resources on for learning about the future of information.

Guttenberg Elegies : the Fate of in an Electronic Age (New York : Fawcett Columbine, 1995Recommended by Rob.

Power Failure : Christianity in the Culture of Technology (Grand Rapids, Mich.: Brazos Press, 2003). Recommended by Matt.

Hipps, Shane. Hidden Power of Electronic Culture : How Media Shapes Faith, the Gospel, and Church (Grand Rapids, Mich.: Zondervan, 2005). Recommended by Matt.

Chronicle of Higher Education.Recommended by Rebekah.

Special thanks to Rebecca Miller for helping me compile these minutes and agreeing to help take minutes in the future!


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